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Partial Dentures

Partial Dentures in Waverly, NY

Quality Oral Healthcare

Missing a tooth is a problem, and it’s much bigger than just not having a perfect smile. Just one missing tooth can change the entire shape of your smile and your mouth as your teeth migrate, move, and adjust to make up for the empty space in your gums.

The problem is that many people don’t worry about a missing tooth that doesn’t seem obvious to others. One in the back, for example, might not be something anyone notices when you speak or smile, and you might be prompted to ignore that missing tooth. Unfortunately, it can cause the rest of your teeth to shift, your smile to change, and you won’t notice the problems until it’s too late. If this describes you, you might need a partial.

What Are Partial Dentures?

Partials are dentures, but they are not a complete set of dentures. They are teeth that go into your mouth like a denture to make up for empty space and missing teeth, but they do not require you to lose all of your teeth to get them. Removable partials are easily inserted into your mouth in a natural-looking manner. Your dentist creates them to look like your natural teeth, and they are attached to a base made of plastic. The plastic is made to match the color of your gums to ensure your teeth appear as natural-looking as possible.

Partial dentures in Rochester, NY

How Do Partial Dentures Work?

If you are missing a tooth or even more than one tooth, your dentist might recommend partials to fill in the gaps, complete your smile, and prevent your other teeth from shifting. This is done by scheduling a consultation with the dentist, and then going over your options. Your dentist will check the health of your other teeth to determine if they are worth saving, and then they will fit you for your partials.

If you feel that you would benefit from partials, conact our team of professionals at Wilson Dental to schedule a consultation. Our dental team is here to make sure you get to have the smile you’ve always wanted.

Streamlined Process

This process is simple, but it’s streamlined. It involves measuring the shape of your mouth to ensure your partials are a perfect fit. You’ll discuss other options, too, such as how natural you want your base to look, or if you prefer to use a metal base. This decision is often a financial one and an aesthetic one, and it’s completely up to you.

Denture Ready

Once your dentures are complete, your dentist will call you to schedule an additional appointment to fit them into your mouth and teach you to use them. The process of caring for partials is not difficult, but it is important you learn to properly care for them to prevent any damage. You will also learn how to ease them into your life as comfortably as possible in terms of your diet, your sleeping habits, and your daily care habits.